
Pest Control Excellence - now you have flies...then you don't

About Flies

A fly is the probably the most common pest in South Africa where people love to spend time outdoors. Where people relax, there is almost always food and drink, which, in turn attract flies. We are all too familiar with the nuisance flies can be on a picnic or a braai or even a sport event.

Flies love water and light and thrive during late spring, summer and fall while the weather is warmer. They lay their eggs on garbage, manure, carcasses, in short any decaying matter. These eggs very quickly hatch into maggots, then metamorphose into pupae from which the adult flies emerge. Since this process can happen in as few as 7 days, one or two flies can quickly turn into a serious infestation. Pets and farm animals increase the problem what with their open food, water as well as their manure or pet faeces.

Flies not only lay their eggs in decaying stuff, but they also feed on it. They enter into our houses through open windows or doors, sit on our food with all six their filthy feet where they vomit and defecate. This way they spread bacteria and other organisms which can cause diseases potentially harmful to humans. Diseases such as Salmonella, E.coli and even cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and leprosy.

Given all these facts, one should avoid a housefly infestation at all costs. There are of course much one can do to avoid such infestation, such as covering trash, keeping drains clean and picking up pet poop. But if the problem gets out of hand, call our professional fly experts to investigate and exterminate.

Signs of infestation

• You will see large numbers of flies around your home or garbage bin.
• There will be clusters of flies feeding on open food, fruit as well as spills.
• You might notice housefly larvae near light, food or water.
• Dead flies will be scattered around your home.
• In light areas you might observe fly tiny dark collections of dots the size of a pinhead. These specks are fly faeces.

Pest Control Excellence Treatment:

  •  Inspection
  •  Preventive Action
  • Identification.
  • Analysis
  •  Treatment Selection: spray, gel and fumigation or installation
  •  Monitoring
  • Documentation

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How to Get Rid of Maggots:
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