Inspections & Certificates

Pest Control Excellence Providing the best in the Pest Control industry - since 2006

About Inspections and Certificates

Buying a home or building is an important, expensive and often long-term investment you are making. You need to protect your investment by making sure that a valid pre-purchase inspection for wood destroying insects is available. Also verify the credentials of the company who performed the inspection. Even if a property looks great, there could be unwanted destructive tenants hiding in the wooden parts of the house. Beware of buying ‘as is’ or ‘voetstoots’.

A pest control inspection is an inspection for pests which is conducted by individuals who are licensed to perform such inspections. During these inspections they determine existing damage or the possibility of damage from insects, bugs, termites or dry rot conditions. Such an inspection ensures the property is free of wood destroying insects, or it might come up with a rotten surprise.

A pest inspection is required for the sale of a house, the rules of which vary from province to province. Banks generally require a termite or pest inspection before they will grant a loan to the prospective buyer. Such inspections should, of course be financed by the person selling the property.

A home pest inspection involves a full methodical visual inspection of your home inside and out. Looking for any evidence of termite activity and/or evidence of dry rot damage or moisture conditions like fungi or mould. Conditions that could lead to an environment where wood destroying insects would flourish. In short, it is a home inspection that inspects the wood or timber.

It is always a good policy to have the professionals of Pest Control Excellence over to take a look at your property annually. If you live in an area, though, where destructive pest such as termites are common, it is definitely advisable to rather have and inspection every six months.

Certificates of Clearance

After a pre-purchase pest inspection is done, Pest Control Excellence issues a Pest Clearance Certificate. This certificate is generally requested by banks as part of their conditions of loan and has to be issued by a registered pest eradicator. The pest clearance certificate is also known as an Entomology Clearance Certificate. This certificate covers all wood destroying insects such as the wood-borer beetles and termites.
After we have completed our inspection, we will inform you if we found any evidence of infestation. If there is no infestation, we will issue a clearance certificate. However, if there is an infestation, we will provide you with a quote after which arrangements for treatment will follow.
In the case of wood-borer beetles and dry wood termites fumigation will be needed which means the property will have to be vacated for 48 hours. This of course includes your pets. If you put your property on the market, rather wait before requesting a certificate until you have a buyer since these certificates are only valid for three months.
In the case of subterranean termites, holes are drilled in the foundation and poison is injected into these holes. This way the ground is poisoned to eradicate the subterranean termites. This treatment is guaranteed for five years.

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